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Montenegro, Albania – MNE-ALB new transmission line and existing B&H-MNE-ALB transmission line rehabilitation, Feasibility study
The Project is consisted of two parts:
Part 1: Construction of a new 110 kV line between Montenegro (Ulcinj) and Albania (Velipojë), including construction of necessary 110/x kV substations;
Part 2: Rehabilitation of existing 220 kV lines Trebinje (B&H) – Perućica (ME) – Podgorica (ME) – Vau Dejës (AL).
- Technical Assessment of alternative solutions for both parts;
- Conceptual Design in line with Montenegrin legislation;
- ESIA according to EBRD guidelines.
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Design documentation for the reconstruction of 35 kV OHL SS Tilva Mika – SS Jama Rudnik (500m)
- Route of reconstructed line selection study;
- Design for Construction;
- Supervision of construction works;
Project start:
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Project description
Windfarm Kostolac (66MW) – design review of Design for Construction Permit for construction of windfarm (civil part, wind turbine pole)
Design review services refer to the Design for Construction permit for construction of new 66MW windfarm in the Municipality of Kostolac Serbia. The subject design comprised only civil part (towers).
- Technical review of the design;
- Consultations with the designer and certification of design for application for construction permit;
Project start:
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Project description
Design of PV Plant Dubrovsko in the municipality of Šavnik (Montenegro), with grid connection details
The project consists of 3 (three) components:
- PV Plant, approx. 200MW AC,
- 2x110kV OHL connection from new SS Dubrovsko to 400/110/35 kV SS Brezna,
- New Substation Dubrovsko.
- Conceptual solution of PV Plant, including update of feasibility study;
- Preparation of Design Terms of References;
- Preparation of Preliminary Design for all components;
- Communication with Montenegrin TSO in reference to grid connection;
- Preparation of relevant documentation for provision of construction permit;
- Other consultancy and advisory services.
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Project description
WB29-SRB-ENE-01 – Central-Balkan Corridor: Pre-feasibility Study and Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)
Subproject includes 2 sections, consisting of a number of components:
Section I:
- New 400/110 kV substation Požarevac 3;
- New 2×400 kV OHL SS Požarevac 3 – SS Jagodina 4;
Section II:
- New 400 kV interconnection OHL between Serbia and Bulgaria;
- Upgrade of the existing substation Kruševac 1 from 220/110 kV to 400 kV;
- New 400 kV OHL SS Niš 2 (or SS Leskovac 2) – SS Kraljevo 3, via upgraded substation SS Kruševac 1;
- Upgrade of the existing SS Požega from 220/110 kV to 400kV;
- New 400 kV OHL SS Kraljevo 3 – SS Požega;
- New 2×400 kV OHL SS Požega – Vardište;
- Project management (project team leader);
- Technical assessment of project elements;
- Selection of the optimal variant for component 2;
- Feasibility Study;
Project start:
Project end:
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Project description
Design documentation for the construction of 110 kV OHL SS Tutin – SS Prijepolje (approx. length 100km)
The project includes the complete process of development of the new infrastructure project, from the initial studies to the Design for Construction.
- Route of line selection study;
- Conceptual Design;
- Preliminary Design;
- Expropriation studies;
- Fire protection studies;
- Geotechnical works and related studies;
- EIA / ESIA Reports
- Design for Construction Permit;
- Design for Construction.
Project start:
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Project description
Consultancy services related to “BEOGRID” power network development project
The project comprises construction of the following grid infrastructure:
- SS 400/110kV Belgrade 50
- 2×400 kV transmission line SS Belgrade 50 – SWY Čibuk 1 with equipping of 400 kV bays at Chibuk 1 (approx 85km)
- Two 400 kV transmission lines for the lead-in of 400kV OHL no. 450 (SWY Mladost – SS Novi Sad 3) into SS Belgrade 50 (approx 24km)
- Two double-circuit 110 kV transmission lines for the lead-in of OHL no.104 /8 (TS Stara Pazova – SS Indjija 2) into SS Belgrade 50 (approx 25km)
- Two double-circuit 110 kV transmission lines for the lead-in of OHL no. 1178 AB (SS Beograd 5 – SS Belgrade 9) into SS Belgrade 50 (approx 14km)
- Two 110kV underground cables SS Belgrade 50 – SS Belgrade 49 (Airport) (approx 10km);
- Checking of technical and general documentation, including technical review of Design for Construction Permit in line with Serbian legislation;
- Support to the Client in project management;
- Project planning;
- Checking of obtained conditions and consents, and preparation of relevant review reports;
- Preparation of technical specifications and procurement documents;
Supervision of works on construction of new SS Belgrade 50.
Project start:
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Project description
Supervision of the construction works (civil part) on the construction of the solar power plant „Salaš Crnobarski“, with the following components / clusters:
- PV Plant SC 001, cadaster parcel 6998
- PV Plant SC 002 cadaster parcel 6996/32
- PV Plant SC 003 cadaster parcel 6996/32
- Checking of technical documentation for construction works;
- Supervision of construction works (civil structures);
Project start:
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Project description
Design documentation for the construction of 110 kV OHL for connection of new SWY Veliki Krivelj 2 and SWY Bor 5.
The project includes to construction of the following transmission lines (total lengths approx. 25km):
- 2x110kV OHL SS Bor 6 – SWY Bor 5
- 2x110kV OHL SS Bor 2– SWY Bor 5
- 2x110kV OHL SS Bor 2 – SWY Veliki Krivelj 2
- 2x110kV OHL SS Bor 6 – SWY Veliki Krivelj 2
- Route of line selection study;
- Conceptual Design;
- Preliminary Design;
- ESIA Reports;
- Tender Documents / Tech.Specs;
- Design for Construction Permit;
- Design for Construction;
- Supervision of construction works.
Project start:
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Project description
Simandou Mine Project, Guinea / Design of 35kV Overhead Lines
The services comprise consulting and design services related to 35kV overhead line within the planned Simandou Mine Project in Guinea. Total approximate length of all lines is 13.5km.
- Inception stage – preparation of design data specification and initial clarifications with the main Contractor and Client;
- Preparation of general project concept and specifications of parameters and equipment;
- Conceptual design of Overhead Lines, including outline and structural calculation of poles and foundations, profile drawings, specification of equipment, Bill of Material (BoM).
Project start:
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Project description
Solar Power Plant “KIMA” – Grid Connection
Preparation of the design documents for the following components of the grid connection:
- New 110kV Switchyard (SWY) “KIMA”
- New 110kV OHL for connection of new 110kV SWY to existing 110 kV OHL No. 189 Novi Pazar – Sjenica, as a “lead-in / lead-out” connection (approx. 2x4km)
- Reconstruction of existing 110kV OHL no. 189 from the point of connection to SWY KIMA to SS Novi Pazar
- Route of line selection study (OHL);
- Study on scope of reconstruction of existing line (with analysis of technical alternatives);
- Conceptual Design (IDR) of all facilities;
- Preliminary Design (IDP) of all facilities.
Project start:
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Project description
Solar Power Plant “KIMA” – 110kV Substation
Preparation of the design documents for the new 33/110kV Substation “KIMA” for the new solar (PV) power plant, including road connection.
- Conceptual design (IDR);
- Preliminary design (IDP).
Project start:
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Project description
DON – Project in the Netherlands, consisting of five components:
- Cabling of 110 kV OHL Meppel – Steenwijk in front of the future SS MPN 110;
- Cabling of 110 kV OHL Harculo – Weteringkade – at portal tower no. 19 (HCL110);
- Cabling of 110 kV OHL Dedemsvaart (DDV110);
- Reconstruction of 220kV OHL Hessenweg – Hoogeveen in front of 220/110kV SS Hessenweg;
- Reconstruction of 110kV OHL Hoogeven Riegmeer (HGR 110) – cabling of overhead section in span 17-18 on 110kV OHL Hoogeveen – Dedemsvaart and Hoogeveen – Hardenberg.
- Conceptual solution with analysis of alternatives;
- Structural checks of structures;
- Detailed design with preparation of line models and required calculations and issue of reports in line with TENNET requirements;
- Structural calculation of proposed reinforcement of steel structure elements;
- Preparation of workshop drawings of new elements, using Advance Steel software;
- Preparation of specification of material / BoQ, based on calculations and workshop drawings.
Project start:
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Project description
PR 010749, Montenegro – Preliminary Design for CGES – SS Brezna
Update of Preliminary Design of SS 400/110/35kV Brezna (II Phase), considering the newly implemented geotechnical investigation works and Study on geotechnical condition for construction of substation.
- Review of previously prepared Preliminary design (IDP);
- Update of IDP.
Project start:
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Project description
Design documentation for the construction of 400 kV OHL for connection of SS 400/110 kV Bor 6 to the Serbian power network.
The project includes:
- 400 kV OHL SWY Đerdap 1 – SS Bor 6 (approximate length 41 km)
- 400 kV OHL SS Bor 2 – SWY Drmno (approximate length 58 km)
- Route of line selection study;
- Conceptual Design;
- Preliminary Design;
- ESIA Reports;
- Tender Documents / Tech.Specs;
- Design for Construction Permit;
- Design for Construction.
Project start:
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Project description
Preparation of technical documentation for rehabilitation and reconstruction of existing 110kV OHL
- 110kV OHL no. 148/4 SS Bor 2 – SWY Bor 4
- 110kV OHL no. 148/5 SWY Bor 4 – SS Zaječar 2
- 110kV OHL no. 148/5 – line extension from tower no. 53c
- Preliminary Design for provision of construction permit;
- Design for construction.
Project start:
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Project description
Windfarms Kula 2, Kula 3, Kula 4 – change of Design for Construction Permit for construction of windfarms (electrical part) and preparation of Design for Construction
Review of the Design for Construction permit for construction of new windfarms, each with 10MW capacity, The design consists of electrical part (wind turbine internal installations, 20kV switchgear, transformer, MV network, monitoring and supervision), TK and mechanical part.
- Design for Construction Permit
- Design for Construction
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Project description
Preparation of technical documentation for reconstruction of existing 110kV OHL:
- 110kV OHL no.113/2 Niš 2 – Leskovac 4 (47.5 km)
- 110kV OHL no.113/4 Leskovac 2 – EVP Grdelica (12.1 km)
- 110kV OHL no.113/5 HPP Vrla 3 – EVP Grdelica (34.3 km)
- Update of Conceptual Design;
- Preliminary Design for provision of construction permit;
- ESIA Study, with site investigations and measurements;
- Design for Construction.
Project start:
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Project description
Reconstruction of SS 400/110kV Bor 2 – extension of the substation by one 110kV bay
Design services with the goal to obtain construction permit in line with Serbian legislation. The design included electrical and civil part as well as support in the process of obtaining consents and permits.
- Collection of input data
- Preparation of Conceptual Design
- Preparation of Preliminary Design
- Support in the obtaining construction permit
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Project description
Preparation of conceptual technical solutions for major network development projects in the Serbian transmission network.
The frame agreement comprises several projects, including:
- Reconstruction of existing 400kV SS Pančevo 2 – installation of new 300MVA transformer;
- 110kV OHL no.1201 SS Aleksinac – SS Soko Banja;
- New Panon corridor (Serbia – Hungary), including 400kV OHL SS Subotica – SS Sándorfalva (HUN), 2x400kV OHL SS Novi Sad 3 – SS Sombor 3, 2x400kV OHL SS Beograd 50 – SS Sremska Mitrovica 2;
- New 400kV SS Inđija – new substation and alignment of overhead lines at substation;
- New 400kV SS Požarevac – new substation and alignment of overhead lines at substation.
- Collection of input data and discussion with EMS in reference to the planned network development;
- Preparation of conceptual solutions including confirmation on site and clarification with the Client;
- Preparation of Final Report.
Project start:
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Project description
Preparation of technical documentation for 110kV OHL (three sub-projects)
- Construction of 110 kV OHL no. 1153 SS Pančevo 2 – SS Belgrade 7, lead-in into SS Belgrade 46 (Zbeg)
- Adaptation of existing 110 kV OHL no. 137/2 EVP Resnik – TPP Kolubara
- Adaptation of existing 110 kV OHL no. 132/3 SS Kula – SS Srbobran
- Route of line selection study (comp.1);
- Conceptual Design;
- Preliminary Design;
- ESIA Study
- Design for Construction Permit;
- Design for Construction
Project start:
Project end:
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Project description
Windfarm Vetrozelena – design review of Design for Construction Permit for construction of windfarm
Design review services refer to the Design for Construction permit for construction of new 300MW windfarm in the Municipality of Pančevo Serbia. The design consists of civil (foundations, piles and towers), electrical (wind turbine internal installations, MV network and monitoring and supervision), telecommunication, mechanical and geotechnical part.
- Preliminary and Alignment Survey Study
- Conceptual Design
- Preliminary Design
- Design for Construction Permit
- Consulting services to the Client during the processes of development of spatial planning documentation and obtaining of consents and permits
Project start:
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Project description
Analysis of feasibility of power network development for purpose of expansion of the mining facilities of Serbia Zijin Copper d.o.o. Bor.
Analysis of possibilities for necessary network extensions and reconstructions of existing 110kV and 400kV lines in the region of planned expansion of mining facilities of the Client, Serbia Zijin Copper d.o.o. Bor.
- Desk-based development of alternative Project options;
- Site assessment of Project options and adjustment of the alternative Project options
- Analysis of line terminations (SS Bor 2 and SS Bor 6);
- Assessment of Project options and comparison of alternatives;
- Preparation of a Feasibility Analysis Report
- Updates of reports on the basis of Client’s changes of plans;
Project start:
Project end:
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Project description
Technical Inspection of executed works on construction of new substations 35/10kV Smederevski Put and Gornji Orah.
Technical inspection of works during the construction works and upon commissioning.
- Technical inspection, according to legislation of Serbia;
- Checking of quality of works, as per approved design documentation (electrical, civil, telecommunication, HVAC, architecture, access roads, hydrotechnical installations);
- Checking of necessary design documentation, construction logs, certificates and testing documentation;
- Checking of compliance of erected material and equipment with tech.documentation;
- Issue of certificate for putting substations into operation and for issue of operation permit.
Project start:
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Project description
Structural calculation and reinforcement of terminal tower in front of Substation Hengelo Weideweg HGLW110 (110kV)
- Structural calculation of proposed reinforcement of steel structure elements of the terminal tower;
- Preparation of workshop drawings of new elements, using Advance Steel software;
- Preparation of specification of material / BoQ, based on calculations and workshop drawings;
- Preparation of Final report.
Project start:
Project end:
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Project description
Design of tower and foundation for the wind turbine tower (pole), within design of new Windfarm Alibunar I, which consists of 3 wind generators, with the total maximum output power of 9.0 MW
- Design for construction permit (PGD);
- Design for construction (PZI);
- Calculation of piled foundations, in line Eurocode set of standards.
Project start:
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Project description
Consulting services and services of supervision of works according to Serbian legislation on the following project:
- 110 kV OHL No. 150 SS Bor 1 – SS Majdanpek 1, relocation of the section from existing tower no.60 to existing tower no. 81 and
- 110 kV OHL No.177 SS Bor 2 – SS Majdanpek 2, relocation of the section from existing tower no.54 to existing tower no.64 / 6u
- Supervision of works in line with Serbian legislation;
- Consulting services, including assistance in preparation of technical specifications of equipment, checking of technical drawings of offered equipment and clarifications with Contractor during the procurement process;
- Participation at FATs of equipment and SATs;
- Participation at regular progress meetings with the Client and Contractor.
Project start:
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Project description
Solar Power Plant “Solarina”
Design services related to the complete Power Plant, including the following components:
- PV Plant, with accompanying infrastructure
- 110/35kV Substation
- 110kV Hybrid Line (OHL and U/G Cable)
- Conceptual Design (IDR)
- Preliminary Design (IDP)
- Design for Construction Permit (PGD)
Project start:
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Project description
Technical Inspection of executed works on power facilities built as part of the implementation of the wind farm project “Krivača” in the vicinity of Golubac.
Technical inspection of works during the construction works and upon commissioning, including:
- Substation 33/110 kV – SS Krivača
- Connection switchgear 110 kV – PRP
- SS Veliko Gradište (one line bay)
- SS Neresnica (one line bay)
- Connection of 10 kV cable for auxiliary consumption (about 320m)
- 110kV OHL SS Krivača – SS V. Gradište (19 km)
- 110kV OHL SS Krivača – SS Neresnica (19 km)
- Technical inspection, according to legislation of Serbia;
- Checking of quality of works, as per approved design documentation (electrical, civil, telecommunication, HVAC, architecture, access roads, hydrotechnical installations);
- Checking of necessary design documentation, construction logs, certificates and testing documentation;
- Checking of compliance of erected material and equipment with tech.documentation;
- Issue of certificate for putting substations into operation and for issue of operation permit.
Project start:
Project end:
Type of services:
Project description
Consulting services related to analysis of possibilities for necessary network extensions and reconstructions of existing 110kV and 400kV power lines in the region of planned expansion of mining facilities of the Client, Serbia Zijin Copper d.o.o. Bor
- Preliminary analysis, including preliminary desk-based assessment of overhead line corridors and site assessment;
- Feasibility analysis, including site assessment, minor geodetic survey works , analysis of line terminations (SS Bor 2 and SS Bor 6);
- Assessment of Project options and comparison of alternatives;
- Summary of assumptions and risks;
- Preparation of a Feasibility Analysis Report;
- Presentation of results to the Client and EMS AD (Serbian TSO).
Project start:
Project end:
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Project description
Technical review of designs for connection of new factory Linglong to the power system of Serbia:
- 110 kV OHL no. 1007 SS Zrenjanin 2 – TETO Zrenjanin, lead-in into SWY 110 kV Zrenjanin;
- Two underground cable lines 110 kV SS Linglong – SWY Zrenjanin;
- Connection Switchyard (PRP) 110 kV Zrenjanin
- Technical review of design documentation;
- Issue of review reports and certification for issue of construction permits;
Project start:
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Project description
Relocation and construction of pipelines for the construction of the Pambukovica dam (Ub municipality). Distribution network component of the project consists of the following sub-components:
- Removal of part of the 10kV overhead line due to construction of the reservoir (total length of lines approx. 4km) and removal of the part of 1kV OHL that will be threatened by the construction of the reservoir
- New 10kV overhead lines for the construction of the facility “New electrical installation of the Pambukovica dam” (total length approx. 2.5km.
- Consulting services – collection of data and preparation of project concept;
- Preliminary design documentation in line with Serbian legislation;
- Details for construction works (technical specifications).
Project start:
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Project description
WB6-MNE-ENE-06 C2: “Electricity Network Expansion for the Development of New Renewable Energy Sources – Update of PD and ESIA – SS”
The subproject includes the following components:
- 110kV OHL Herceg Novi – Vilusi (approx. 37km)
- Reconstruction of 110kV SS H.Novi and SS Vilusi
- New SS 400/110kV Brezna (second phase)
- Checking and adjustment of the route of line for the new 110kV OHL H.Novi – Vilusi;
- Coordination of activities of geodetic LiDAR survey contractor for survey of the changed sections;
- Coordination of activities of the contractor for geotechnical investigation works (OHL and SS) and follow-up of activities;
- Revision of the Preliminary Design of new 110kV OHL;
- Revision of the Preliminary Design of substations.
Project start:
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Project description
Arrangement of 110kV OHL at the new 110kV switchyards:
– new SWY Veliki Krivelj 2 (Contract 1) and
– new SWY Bor 5 (Contract 2), near Bor, for supply of mining complex
Preparation of design documentation, support to the Client in preparation of general documentation (Terms of References), consulting services, construction supervision.
- Route of line selection study;
- Conceptual Design;
- Preliminary Design;
- Tender Documents / Tech.Specs
- Design for Construction Permit;
- Design for Construction;
- Supervision of construction works
- Consultancy services / project management
Project start:
Project end:
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Project description
WB25-SRB-ENE-01 – Serbia, North CSE Corridor: 400/110 kV substation Belgrade West, 400kV OHL substation Belgrade West – switching station Čibuk 1, and 400 kV OHL Serbia – Romania: Feasibility Study and ESIA
Subproject includes 2 components:
1. Beogrid 2025 Project cluster, consisting of:
- Substation (SS) 400/110 kV Belgrade West with the alignment of the 400 kV and 110 kV OHLs
- 400 kV OHL SS Belgrade West – WPP Čibuk 1 (app. 80 km)
2. Upgrade of existing OHL 400 kV Serbia (HPP Djerdap 1) – Romania (Portile de Fier) to double-circuit OHL (app 2 km)
- Project management (project team leader);
- Update of Conceptual design of OHL and SS – Serbian legislation;
- Selection of the optimal variant for component 2;
- Support to EMS (beneficiary) in the process of development of spatial planning documentation;
- Feasibility Study
Project start:
Project end:
Type of services:
Project description
Solar Power Plant “KIMA” – Grid Connection
Preparation of the Pre-feasibility study, including techno-economic analysis of the necessary works and investments on the existing 110 kV OHL No. 189 for the increase of overhead line capacity for purpose of connection of new power plant to the power system of Serbia.
- Collection of input data;
- Assessment of present state and condition of existing overhead line;
- Overview of available HTLS conductors for replacement of ACSR conductor, without replacement of towers;
- Modelling of selected OHL sections and analysis of clearances and infrastructure;
- Development of project alternatives, comparison of alternatives and proposal for optimal development option.
Project start:
Project end:
Type of services:
Project description
Supervision of works on the relocation of the 220 kV transmission line no. 227/1 SS Bajina Bašta – SS Valjevo 3, due to the intersection with the new public road through the industrial zone in Valjevo.
- Construction supervision in line with Serbian legislation
- Supervision of civil and electrical works
Project start:
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Project description
Solar Power Plant Berkovići, Trebinje, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Review and expertise on project documentation for obtaining of permits and selection of contractor and contract negotiations, including Conceptual Design with specification of major equipment, Feasibility Study and Contractor’s Offer and draft Contract Agreement
Project start:
Project end:
Type of services:
Project description
Solar Power Plant “Solarina” – Grid Connection
Consulting services for the purpose of defining the proposal of the solution for connecting the new Solar Power Plant Solarina to the power system. “Preliminary analysis of connection of the solar power plant to SS 400/110 kV Bor 2”.
Contract No.1
- Collection of input data
- Development of alternatives for the analysis
- Technical assessment of each alternative
- Conclusions, including proposal for further steps in project development
Contract No.2
- Preparation of Conceptual Design
- Support in the development of spatial planning documentation
Project start:
Project end:
Type of services:
Project description
Windfarm Čestobrodica – consultancy and design services related to the grid connection project (400kV OHL, length approx. 2x20km)
Design and consultancy services from the analysis of options for connection to the 400kV network to design for construction permit.
- Preliminary and Alignment Survey Study
- Conceptual Design
- Preliminary Design
- Design for Construction Permit
Consulting services to the Client during the processes of development of spatial planning documentation and obtaining of consents and permits
Project start:
Project end:
Type of services:
Project description
Windfarm Vetrozelena – consultancy and design services related to the grid connection project (400kV OHL, length approx. 10km)
Design and consultancy services from the analysis of options for connection to the 400kV network to design for construction permit.
- Preliminary and Alignment Survey Study
- Conceptual Design
- Preliminary Design
- Design for Construction Permit
Consulting services to the Client during the processes of development of spatial planning documentation and obtaining of consents and permits
Project start:
Project end:
Type of services:
Project description
Hybrid 110kV Overhead and Underground Cable Line CCPP Vinča – SS Belgrade 20
Preparation of Design for Construction, As-built Design and Microproject (based on constructed line).
• Design for construction
• Adjustment of standard tower types to enable transition from underground to overhead line (additional consoles, strengthening of structure, etc.)
• Design of special foundations for the new tower
• As-built design
• Microproject
Project start:
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Project description
Detailed Design of reconstruction of 400kV OHL Ribarevine – Peć in Montenegro (replacement of tower No. 15)
Supply of design of steel lattice tower, design of special foundation and elements of detailed design.
• Adjustment of design of standard steel lattice tower (suspension tower) for supply to the Client in Montenegro
• Preparation of elements of the detailed design of OHL reconstruction
• Design of special foundations for the new tower
• Support to the Contractor in process of manufacture of steel lattice tower
• As-built design (civil part)
Project start:
Project end:
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Project description
Morava Corridor Motorway Project
Design and Relocation Works of High, Medium and Low Voltage Electrical Lines in Sections 1, 2 and 3 (0.4kV, 10kV, 35kV and 110kV lines).
• Conceptual design
• Preliminary design
• Design for construction permit
• Advisory services to the construction company
• As-built design
Project start:
Project end:
Type of services:
Project description
Windfarm Bašaid – consultancy and design services related to the grid connection project (110kV OHL and 110kV Switchyard)
Design and consultancy services from the analysis of options for connection to the 110kV network to design for construction permit.
• Draft Design Terms of References for both components (OHL and SWY)
• Conceptual design
• Support during the preparation of spatial planning documentation
• Preliminary design
• Design for construction permit
Project start:
Project end:
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Project description
Highway Е-70/Е-75 Belgrade Ring Road, section Dobanovci – Bubanj Potok, Section 6
Design of crossing and reconstruction of two 110kV and three 220kV OHLs.
• Design of towers – including workshop drawings
• Crossing studies
• Design for construction of 110kV and 220kV lines
• Follow-up of construction works and advisory services to the construction company
• Аs-built design
Project start:
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Project description
WB21-SRB-ENE-01 – Serbia, North CSE corridor, new 400/110 kV Belgrade West Substation and OHL 400 kV Serbia-Romania: Pre-Feasibility Study including Conceptual Design and Preliminary ESIA
Subproject includes 3 components:
1. Substation (SS) 400/110 kV Belgrade West with the alignment of the 400 kV and 110 kV OHLs
2. 400 kV OHL SS Belgrade West – WPP Čibuk 1 (app. 80 km)
3. Upgrade of existing OHL 400 kV Serbia (HPP Djerdap 1) – Romania (Portile de Fier) to double-circuit OHL (app 2 km)
• Project management (project team leader)
• Development of OHL corridor alternatives and technical assessment
• Development of alternative SS locations and technical assessment
• Comparison of project options and Multi Criteria Assessment (MCA)
• Pre-Feasibility Study
• Conceptual design of OHL and SS – Serbian legislation
Project start:
Project end:
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Project description
400 kV single circuit OHL of approx. 90km between Ekhyddan and Nybro and a new 400 kV single circuit OHL of approx. 80km km between Nybro and Hemsjö
Power line engineer for review of detailed design for the Ekhyddan – Nybro – Hemsjö Project / Civil Part (Foundations).
• Review of detailed design (foundations, earthing, other general documentation)
• Participation at project progress meetings with designers and client (SVK);
Project start:
Project end:
Type of services:
Project description
35kV OHL and U/G cable SS Vinča – SS Vinča Deponija (2.8 km + 0.36km) and
35kV U/G cable from 35kV OHL No. 357 to SS Vinča Deponija (1.4 km)
• Design for construction
• Preventive Measures Plan
• As-built Design
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Project description
400kV Interconnection Serbia – Montenegro – Bosnia and Herzegovina (WB13-REG-ENE-01)
Technical documentation preparation and TSO support
1. Preliminary and Detailed Design of 400kV OHL in three countries and terminal substation Pljevlja 2
2. ESIA / EIA Report
3. System network and market studies
4. Financial & Economic Assessment
5. Project Implementation Plan
• Project management
• Complete design services
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Project description
400kV OHL Snösätra – Ekudden – Construction management and supervision –
Consultancy services and supervision of construction works on reconstruction of 400kV OHL, includiong technical management, project administration, review of technical documentation, project management and site supervision. Demolition works on existing line are included in the scope.
• Assistance to technial management and project administration;
• Review of technical and project planning documentation (electrical part);
• Participation in technical meetings;
• Drafting of reports;
• Supervision of site works – demolition of existing line and construction of new line;
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Project description
OHTL 380 kV Meeden – Diele – Structural check of tower No.2 in front of SS Meeden with PLS TOWER
Design services within design of Substation Meeden – related to checking of terminal tower with new loading conditions
• Calculation of loads on tower after extension / reconstruction works in the substation, comparison with the loading table used for original design and proposal of measures (without structural analysis)
• Modelling of the steel structure in TOWER software (Power Line Systems Inc.) using the original tower design data
• Checking of steel structure for calculated actual loading table
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Project description
Study on crossing of 110kV OHL No. 1203/2 SS Beograd 28 – SS Beograd 36 with new facilties (modern sculpture with infrastructure) built at the roundabout „Bogoslovija“ in Belgrade
• Geodetic survey of existing cable line using ultra sound method
• Study of relation between existing cable and new facilities
• Analysus of inductive influence of cable on metal elements of the sculpture
• Preparation of crossing study
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Project description
Design review on projects of HV underground cable lines in the urban areas.
Finalized and ongoing projects:
• 110kV U/G cable SS Beograd 17 – SS Beograd 23 “Autokomanda”
• 110kV U/G cable SS Beograd 23 – SS Beograd 45
• 110kV U/G cable SS Beograd 45 – TETO Beograd
• Technical review and recommendation for improvement of design documents
• Participation in technical clarification meetings
• Issue of final technical review report
Project start:
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Project description
Technical Inspection of works on HV underground cable lines (110kV) during the construction works and upon commissioning.
Finalized and ongoing projects:
• 110kV U/G cable SS Kruševac 1 – SS Kruševac 3
• 110kV U/G cable SS Beograd 17 – SS Beograd 23 “Autokomanda”
• 110kV U/G cable SS Beograd 23 – SS Beograd 45
• 110kV U/G cable SS Beograd 45 – TETO Beograd
• Technical inspection, according to legislation of Serbia
• Checking of quality of works, as per approved design documentation, during the duration of works (electrical, civil, telecommunication)
• Checking of necessary design documentation, construction logs, certificates and testing documentation
• Checking of compliance of erected material and equipment with tech. documentation
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Project description
110kV OHL No. 148/2 SS Bor 2 – SS Zaječar 2. Lead-in into 110kV SWY Bor 4 for supply of new mining complex.
Preparation of design documentation and support to the Client in preparation of general documentation (Terms of References)
Contract No.1 (12.2018 – 04.2019)
• Route of line selection study;
• Conceptual Design;
Contract No.2 (07.2019 – 06.2021)
• Conceptual Design – update;
• Preliminary Design;
• Tender Documents / Tech.Specs
Contract No.3 (10.2019 – 06.2021)
• Design for Construction Permit;
• Design for Construction;
• Supevision of construction works
• Consultancy services / project management
Project start:
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Project description
220kV OHL for connection of future Cogeneration Power Station Pančevo to the Serbian power grid. Design and consultancy services for implementation of the project, including conceptual design of OHL, design of friction piled foundations, preliminary and detailed design of OHL, preparation of tender documents for construction and support in process of provision of permits and consents.
• Route of line selection study
• Conceptiual Design of OHL
• Preliminary Design of OHL
• Detailed design of OHL (2 stages)
• Design of fricition piled foundations
• Tender documents
• Assistance in provision of consents and consruction permit
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Project description
110kV OHL No. 107/2, lead-in into SS Ub, length approx. 10km. Preparation of design documentation from selection of the route line to Design for Construction and assistance to the Client in the process of provision of consents and permits.
• Route of line selection study;
• FS with the Preliminary Design;
• EIA Study;
• Crossing and other relevant studies;
• Design for Construction Permit;
• Expropriation study;
• Design for Construction;
• Tower design;
Project start:
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Project description
Design services for a steel lattice tower type A10+A30-550_5.0 (tension tower) for 380 kV OHL Airolo – Lavorgo
• Structural analysis of steel lattice tower in PowerLine TOWER software according to EN 50341-1:2012;
• Preparation of TOWER model – BAK file
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Project description
Consulting Services for Construction of 400 kV Single Circuit Transmission Line Kragujevac 2 – Kraljevo 3 and extension of Substations Kragujevac 2 and Kraljevo 3. PIU Consulting services for implementation of the transmission network development project. The services include project preparation and implementation stage.
• Assistance in project management;
• Review of design documents;
• Preparation of PQ documents and participation in the PQ process;
• Preparation of tender documents;
• Participation in the tendering process including evaluation;
• Contractor’s design review and review of other technical documentation;
• Supervision of works;
• Project reporting.
Project start:
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Project description
Consulting Services for Implementation of Open Programme Extension of the Transmission Network II, EBRD Components. PIU Consulting services for implementation of the transmission network development project, including seven 500kV and 220kV overhead lines and reconstruction / upgrade of 500kV and 220kV substations in Georgia. The services include project preparation and implementation stage.
• Review of conceptual design;
• Participation in the PQ process;
• Preparation of Technical Requirements within tender documents (OHL);
• Participation in the tendering process including evaluation;
• Contractor’s design review and review of other technical documentation;
• Supervision of works;
• Project reporting.
Project start:
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Type of services:
Project description
As-built documentation and Reports on operation status of 63 (sixtythree) Overhead Lines (110kV, 220kV and 400kV) in Serbia
• Processing of geodetic survey data (LIDAR and ground survey) in PLS-CADD;
• As-built documentation for portion of overhead lines;
• Reports on operation status for portion of overhead lines
Project start:
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Project description
Feasibility Study and Preliminary Design of 225kV OHL Koukoutamba – Balassa (future) – Linsan – Maneah, Guinea (OMVS Project), length approx. 348km
• Conceptual design of OHL, including basic design input data;
• Assistance in generation and processing of terrain data;
• Modelling of OHL elements in PLS-CADD;
• Initial tower spotting;
• BoQ for Feasibility Study.
Project start:
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Project description
Training courses in electricity distribution and transmission topics in Erbil, Iraq (KRG)
Training courses include 15 training components, including numerous topics in design, operation, maintenance, repair of distribution and transmission lines, planning and design software (PLS-CADD, PSSE), street lighting, pole climbing and rescue, transmission system standards, etc.
• Preparation of training material (pre-design and design), subject to Client’s approval;
• Presentation of training courses and expert support, including theoretical and practical components;
Project start:
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Project description
Reconstruction of 110kV OHL No. 102B/1 and 110kV OHL No. 1128/1 in Kostolac, Serbia, for purpose of extension of electric power plant dock
• Conceptual design of OHL;
• Preliminary design of OHL, with details for construction;
• Crossing and other studies;
• Supply of steel tower designs;
• Geology report
Project start:
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Project description
Workshop drawings related to 4 tower types (selected parts) for 380/132/65 kV OHL Airolo – Mörel, Section Ulrichen – Fiesch
• Workshop drawings, prepared in Advance Steel software
• Technical specification of material
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Project description
2x400kV OHL for connection of future Wind Farm „Čibuk“ to the HV grid; total length of the line 10.8 km
• Design for construction (electrical part);
• As-built design (electrical part);
• Internal review of design of towers (6 tower types) – design for construction and workshop drawings
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Project description
110kV OHL and 110kV Switchyard for connection of future Wind Farm „Alibunar“ to the HV grid
• Overall Project Management Consultancy;
• Engineer role according to the FIDIC Yellow Book;
• Supervision in line with Serbian legislation
Project start:
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Project description
Underground Cable 110kV SS Belgrade 1 – SS Belgrade 6, (length approx. 5km in the Belgrade city centre)
• Conceptual design with route of line study
• Cable type selection study
• Feasibility study with preliminary design
• EIA study with EMF measurements
• Geotechnical study
• Crossing studies
• Design for construction permit
• Design for construction
Project start:
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Project description
Thermal Power Plants (TPP) „Nikola Tesla“- blocks A&B and Kostolac – blocks A&B, Monitoring and control of auxilliary consumption
• Participation in data collection process;
• Assistance in development of preliminary design (with variants);
• Development of basic design.
Project start:
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Project description
Review of Detailed Design of 35kV OHL Shuakhevi-Skhalta for Skhalta Hydro Power
Project in Georgia (developed by Adjaristsqali Georgia LLC); line length approx. 25 km;
• Preparation of general templates and procedures;
• Review of design data and equipment drawings and datasheets;
• Resolution of issues related to different design standards – international standards (BS, IEC) and locally applies standards (GOST and PUE);
Project start:
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Project description
Connectivity Networks Gap Analysis
Assessment of the identified projects of importance for WB6 region (6 countries in the Western Balkans non-EU countries), preparation of project list, based on ENTSO-E methodologies and TYNDPs and up-to date EU and Energy Community project lists (PCI and PECI);
• Energy (Electricity) Expert / GIS Expert Energy – responsible for identification of projects and coordination of GIS application concept preparation;
• Technical Assessment of selected Energy / Electricity projects in the Study Stage;
Project start:
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Project description
As-built documentation and Reports on operation status of 85 (eightyfive) Overhead Lines (110kV, 220kV and 400kV) in Serbia for Operation Permit application
• Processing of geodetic survey data (LIDAR and ground survey) in PLS-CADD;
• As-built documentation for portion of overhead lines;
• Reports on operation status for portion of overhead lines;
Project start:
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Project description
Supervision of construction works on reconstruction of existing 110kV, 220kV and 400kV OHL on crossings of new Highway E-763, section 3: Obrenovac – Ub:
– 110kV OHL No.121/2, 121/3
– 220kV OHL No. 213/1, 213/2, 204,
– 400kV OHL No. 436, 412
– Supervising Engineer in accordance with legislation of Serbia;
– Supervision of electrical and civil works;
– Checking of technical solutions;
– Participation in FAT and SAT;
– Cooridnation with the Client and Beneficiary;
– Approval of interim and final payment certificates
Project start:
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Project description
Feasibility Study and Preliminary Design – Feasibility Study – 400 kV OHL SS Bajina Basta – SS Kraljevo 3
• Project Management
• Transmission Construction Expertise (OHL and SS)
• 400kV OHL line routing, assessment of alternatives;
• Technical Assessment (OHL);
• Preliminary Design documents for 400kV OHL as per SRB legislation;
• Finalization of ESIA documents as per SRB legislation
• Project Implementation Plan
Project start:
Project end:
Type of services:
Project description
Feasibility Study and Preliminary Design – Electricity network expansion for the development of RES Energy
The project consists of the three elements:
1) 110 kV OHL Vilusi – Herceg Novi
2) Phase 1 of SS Brezna (110kV), including lead-in of 110kV OHLs
3) Phase 1 of SS Brezna (400kV), including lead-in of 400kV OHL – connection to 400kV OHL Lastva – Čevo
Services (OHL part):
• 110kV and 400kV OHL line routing: Preliminary and Alignment Survey of OHL corridors, assessment of alternatives;
• Technical Assessment (OHL) as per EBRD requirements;
• Preparation of Preliminary Design documents for 110kV line and 400kV lead-ins as per MNE legislation;
• Project Implementation Plan;
Project start:
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Project description
2x110kV OHL Murska Sobota – Mačkovci (length approx. 13.5km)
Design for construction and As-built design (electrical part)
• OHL design with preparation of profile drawings, calculations and checking, line schedule
• Preparation of As-built design
Project start:
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Project description
2x110kV OHL SS Pančevo 2 – new SS for connection of Wind Park “Bela Anta” (length approx. 10km);
Conceptual solutions with study of alternatives, Preliminary and Detailed Design, Expropriation Studies
Services (OHL part):
• Studies of OHL corrdiors and selection of technical solutions (towers, wires)
• 110kV OHL line routing: Preliminary and Alignment Survey of OHL corridors, assessment of alternatives;
• Preliminary and Detailed Design documents;
• Expropriation Study
Project start:
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Project description
Technical Inspection of HV overhead lines (110kV, 220kV and 400kV)
Long-term contract for Technical Inspection of overhead lines, according to legislation of Serbia. Finalised and ongoing projects:
• 2x110kV OHL Beograd 1 – Beograd 20
• 2x110kV OHL Beograd 3 – Beograd 20
• 2x110kV OHL Beograd 19 – Beograd 20
• 400kV OHL Beograd 8 – Pančevo 2, lead-in into SS Beograd 20
• 110kV OHL Majdanpek – Mosna
• 400kV and 110kV OHL, lead-in into SS Vranje 4
• 110kV OHL Stara Pazova – Inđija, lead-in into SS Inđija, etc.
• Reconstruction of 110kV OHL Valjevo 1 – HPP Zvornik, sections F, D and C
• etc.
• Technical inspection, according to legislation of Serbia;
• Checking of necessary design documentation, construction logs, certificates and testing documentation;
• Checking of compliance of erected material and equipment with tech.documentation;
• Checking of quality of works and material
Project start:
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Project description
Consulting services for preparation of Bidding Documents:
– Review of OHL Design and Bidding Documents
– Assistance to the Cient in the BD finalization and clarification procedure
(Project financed by the World Bank)
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Project description
Design of OHL reconstruction – establishment of optical connection by OPGW or SkyWrap wire
– Update of existing design documents – profile survey, longitudinal profiles;
– Comparison study of applicable solutions and proposals for the Client;
– Detailed design of OHL reconstruction;
Project start:
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Project description
Study on construction conditions in the vicinity of OHL 110kV and calculation of electromagnetic field (EMF) at location of new whole sale market facility “Veletržnica”, Novi Beograd
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Project description
OHTL 2 x 500 kV Meikhtila – Toungoo in Myanmar
Consulting services and design of steel lattice towers and foundations
Contracted services:
– Preparation of technical conditions for design and elaboration of preliminary design
– Detailed design with workshop drawings of two types of towers and foundations
– Consulting services during steel tower load test procedure
Project start:
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Project description
Feasibility Study with Preliminary Design of 220/110kV SS Bistrica, with access road and local road reconstruction. The following services included: – Feasibility Study per Local Legislation; – Preliminary Design including electrical, civil (structural calculation of civil facilities), telecommuncation and geology part;
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Project description
Technical revision of Detailed Design of steel poles for overhead line 2x110kV SS Beograd 1 – SS Beograd 20 (3 pole types)
Project start:
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Project description
Feasibility Study of 400 kV Interconnection Lines, Serbia – Montenegro – Bosnia and Herzegowina (BiH)
Contracted services:
– Preliminary Design of interconnection transmission lines 2×400 kV between SRB, MNE, BIH
– General Design of substations 400/x kV at line ends
– Technical report and Project Implementation Plan (PIP)
– ESIA Study
Project start:
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Project description
Technical revision of Detailed Design of overhead transmission line OHL 2x(2×110 kV) section Kragujevac 1 – Kragujevac 8, along existing OHL 110kV No.186B/1, Book 1 i 2
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Project description
Wind Farm Kladovo – Technical revision of Detailed Design of overhead transmission line 110 kV Switchgear Đerdap 2 – “Wind Farm Kladovo”
Project start:
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Project description
Studies on crossings of OHLs (numerous 110kV, 220kV and 400kV lines) over existing or planned facilities in Serbia
• Geodetic survey of OHLs and other objects;
• Modelling of OHL sections;
• Specific calculations of EMF and on – site measurements;
• Crossing studies;
Project start:
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Project description
Reconstruction of overhead lines 35kV, 110kV and 220kV, Highway E-70/E-75, Belgrade Ring Road, Sector 1-4, Sector 6, Section Batajnica – Dobanovci and Interchange Dobanovci
Contracted services:
– Preliminary survey for approval of route of lines corridors and preparation of draft Terms of Reference;
– Preliminary and Detailed Design of overhead lines;
Project start:
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Project description
Substation 110/10kV “Beograd 23 – Autokomanda”, in central part of Belgrade, in new commercial area;
Gas insulated switchgear 110kV (SF6).
Contracted servises:
– Feasibility Study,
– Basic Electrical Design,
– Tender Dossier,
– Fire Protection Study
Project start:
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Project description
330kV S/C OHTL Lokoja – Obajana (length 28 km)
– Detailed design (survey works supervision, profiles and tower spotting)
– Assistance services – technical matters
Project start:
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Project description
Feasibility Studies for Electricity Transmission Cross Border Investments in the Republic of Serbia, including feasibility study with system study, environmental study and preliminary design for:
– OHTL D/C 400 kV Interconnection Serbia – Romania and
– Substation 220/110 kV Bistrica
Project start:
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Project description
330kV D/C OHTL QIT – Ikot Abasi, Project C658 (length 70 km)
– Detailed design (survey works supervision, profiles and tower spotting);
– Elaboration of technical specifications and tender documents for supply and construction works;
– Assistance services – technical matters, wayleave issues.
Project start:
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Project description
2×110 kV D/C OHTL connection of HPSPP “Avče” to existing OHTL 110kV Gorica – Doblar, with 110kV U/G cable sections and connection in 110kV Switchgear (SF6)
Detailed electrical design for construction – OHL and U/G Cable 110 kV, Detailed design with workshop drawings of steel lattice towers and foundations
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Project description
400kV S/C OHTL Niš – Border of FYROM (Macedonia) (141 km)
Supervising Engineer at the construction phase, according to FIDIC (Red Book):
– Technical evaluation if Contractors’ offers
– Review of Design and other documentation for Construction
– Approval of equipment manufacturers
– FAT and SAT of equipment
Project start:
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Project description
33 kV S/C, D/C and Q/C OHL ABA IPP Distribution System (95km)
Detailed Design, Technical Assistance for equipment procurement, Supervision of construction works (technical solutions) and Overall Project Management
Project start:
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Project description
Implementation of telecommunication system of EPCG, Component 1 – Optical Network (400kV, 220 kV and 110 kV OHTL – total length of 620 km)
Detailed electrical design, Checking and design for rehabilitation of towers, Elaboration of Tender Documents and assistance in the offers evaluation, Approval of Factory design, procedures and programs for FAT and SAT, Supervision of project implementation and commissioning.
Project start:
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Project description
400kV S/C OHTL Leskovac – Border of FYROM (Macedonia) (101 km)
Detailed electrical design (survey works, tower spotting, profile drawings and electro-mechanical design and wiring of SS bays), Detailed design of towers, Site investigation works and soil mechanics
Project start:
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Project description
132kV D/C OHTL Katampe – New National Stadium (28km)
Detailed design (analysis of available data, survey works supervision, tower spotting and profile drawings)
Project start:
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Project description
Reconstruction of tram railroad infrastructure (rails, traction power network and roads) in Vojvode Stepe Street in the City of Belgrade
Construction Supervising Engineer as per FIDIC Red Book (2014)
• Supervising Engineer team – four key expert positions
• Review of Contractor’s documentation
• Site monitoring of construction, approval of progress plans
• Supervision of commissioning and testing
Project start:
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Project description
Study on selection of optimal solution for connection of small hydropower plants on river Ljutina to power grid (35kV). We analyzed different solutions for overhead lines and underground cables, based on Technical Requirements for connection issued by relevant Electric Power Distribution Company and demands of the Client.
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Project description
Preliminary design of medium voltage cable line 20kV KV (first and second stage) and Concrete Prefabricated Substation 10(20)/0.4 kV for CS “Pesak” on “Nadela” channel for irrigation system “PP Economy”
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Project description
Consulting services on projects of small hydro power plants, financed by VOLKSBANK, Serbia.
The future SHPP “Džep” will be located on Džepska River, in the municipality of Vladičin Han. Installed capacity is 495kW.
Contracted services:
– Expert opinion based on a review of technical documentation and obtained permissions
– Technical Report
– Monitoring of the project progress
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Project description
Regional road R-267, section from interchange “Batajnica” (bus station “Proleterska”) to the Interchange “Dobanovci” (bus station “Ulaz”)
– Reconstruction of 110 kV and 35 kV overhead lines
– Reconstruction / relocation of 10/0.4kV substation, 10kV and 1kV lines and public lighting
– Rehabilitation and protection of telecommunication network
Project start:
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Project description
Highway E-70/E-75, Belgrade Ring Road, Dobanovci – Bubanj Potok, Section 6
Preliminary and Detailed Design of follwoing facilities:
– Reconstruction of overhead transmission lines: OHL 110kV (No. 137/1 and No.101 AB/1), OHL 220kV (No.213/2, No.204 and No.252) and OHL 400kV (OHL. 412), on road crossinges and relevant sections,
– Public lighting installation,
– Power supply infrustracture (SS 10/0.4kV, OHL 10kV),
– Reconstruction of telecommunication cables,
– Installations in Tunnel “Beli Potok”: Electromechanical installations (ventilation) and telecommunication installataions
– Fire protection and alarm system
Project start:
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Project description
“Eurosalon” Shopping Mall Parking Area – Detailed Design of Public lighting installation
Project start:
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Project description
Belgrade Fair, Hall 2, Level D
Indoor lighting installations
Project start:
Project end:
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Project description
City of Požarevac Ring Road and four city boulevards/streets – Detailed Design of Public lighting installation with corresponding electrical network
Project start:
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Project description
Automotive testing and educational centre “NAVAK” in Pećinci, near Belgrade
S/S 20/0.4 kV and U/G Cable 20 kV, electrical installations
Project start:
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Project description
Detailed Design of small concrete housing Substation 10/0.4 kV Belgrade Fair, Hall No. 10
Project start:
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Project description
Belgrade fair, space around Hall No.14
Public lighting installation of VIP Parking
Project start:
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Project description
Pole mounted Substation 10/0.4kV, 50kVA, and supply cable for RBS ’’KSM07 Kaonik’’
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Project description
Pole mounted Substation 10/0.4kV, 50kva, ″Poćuta″, with connection to network 1kV and 10kV
Project start:
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Project description
Belgrade Fair, Hall No. 3
Reconstruction of lighting installation
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Project description
Highway Е-70, Section Novi Sad – Belgrade, Beška Bridge
Public lighting installation with corresponding S/S 20/0.4 kV and OHL 20 kV
Project start:
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Project description
City Street Južni Bulevar, Belgrade
Reconstruction of U/G Cable 35 kV, 10 kV and 1 kV, public lighting and traffic light installations, reconstruction of Telecommunication installation
Project start:
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Project description
Highway E-80, Section Niš – Dimitrovgrad, Dimitrovgrad Beltway, road tunnels “Pržojna Padina” and “Progon”
Electrical and machinery tunnel installations
Project start:
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Project description
New road for locations PFC 5 and PFC 29 in Residential Block No.61 and No.63, New Belgrade
Public lighting installation
Project start:
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Project description
Belgrade Fair, Belgrade – Substation 10/0.4kV, 630kVA
Project start:
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Project description
Belgrade Fair, Hall 2
Billboards lighting installations
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Project description
Belgrade Fair, Belgrade
Public lighting installation and front entrance lighting
Project start:
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Project description
Belgrade Fair,
Fair entrance lighting installation
Project start:
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Project description
Highway Е-70, Section Novi Sad – Belgrade
Public lighting installation with corresponding S/S 20/0.4 kV and OHL 20 kV
Project start:
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Project description
Highway Е-75, Section Batajnica – Dobanovci, Interchange Dobanovci
– Public lighting installation with corresponding electrical network,
– Telecommunication installation
– Synchron plan of all installations and objects
Project start:
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Project description
Highway Е-75, Section Batajnica – Dobanovci, Sector 1, Interchange Batajnica
Electrical network, public lighting and telecommunication installation
Project start:
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Project description
Belgrade Fair,
Internal road network public lighting installation
Project start:
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Project description
Belgrade Fair, outdoor exhibition area Electrical network and installation
Project start:
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Project description
“Ikarbus” industry complex access streets to Highway Е-75, Section Belgrade Airport – Nacional
Public lighting installations
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Project description
State Road М-5, Section Užice – Čačak, road tunnel “Mečkino brdo” in Ovčar Banja
Electrical and machinery tunnel installations
Project start:
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Project description
City of Belgrade, central city municipalities locations
Detailed Design of Decorative Public Lighting for Christmas and New Year 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009 Holidays
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Project description
Gornji Milanovac Ring Road
Public lighting installation with corresponding electrical network
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Project description
Ušće Street, New Belgrade
Public lighting installation reconstruction
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Project description
Ušće Street, New Belgrade
Public lighting installation with corresponding electrical network