Srp / Eng 

WB6-MNE-ENE-06 C2: “Electricity Network Expansion for the Development of New Renewable Energy Sources – Update of PD and ESIA – SS”

WB6-MNE-ENE-06 C2: “Electricity Network Expansion for the Development of New Renewable Energy Sources – Update of PD and ESIA – SS”

The subproject includes the following components:

  1. 110kV OHL Herceg Novi – Vilusi (approx. 37km)
  2. Reconstruction of 110kV SS H.Novi and SS Vilusi
  3. New SS 400/110kV Brezna (second phase)


  • Checking and adjustment of the route of line for the new 110kV OHL H.Novi – Vilusi;
  • Coordination of activities of geodetic LiDAR survey contractor for survey of the changed sections;
  • Coordination of activities of the contractor for geotechnical investigation works (OHL and SS) and follow-up of activities;
  • Revision of the Preliminary Design of new 110kV OHL;
  • Revision of the Preliminary Design of substations.