Srp / Eng 

New contract for design and consulting services for connection of new wind farm Bela Anta to the transmission network of Serbia

E&E signed a new contract with the investor of the new wind farm Bela Anta (Wellbury – Bela Anta d.o.o.) referring to development of design documents for connection of the new wind farm Bela Anta to the transmission network, in parts related to the 110 kV transmission line (length of approx. 10 km).
The service includes development of techno-economic analysis, 110kV OHL conceptual design, geological studies, detailed design and the expropriation study. The services also comprise preparation of different studies, as required, and technical assistance in communication with the Serbian TSO (Elektromreža Srbije).
The new wind farm will be located in Dolovo, near Pančevo in north Serbia. The wind farm will consist of 40 units, with installed power of over 100 MW.
The design of 35kV switchyard, 110/35kV substation and 110kV switchyard will be done by company DNP Inženjering d.o.o. (Novi Sad, Serbia).