The Feasibility Study including ESIA for the 400 kV Interconnection between Serbia – Montenegro – BiH was finalized by a dissemination workshop, held on 26 March 2015 in “88 Roomes” hotel in Belgrade. The workshop was attended by representatives of project stakeholders, including beneficiaries (EMS, CGES, Elektroprenos BiH and NOS BiH), lead IFI (EBRD), ministries of Montenegro, BiH and Serbia, regulatory bodies, etc. For more details, please, see our previous news related to this project or visit official WBIF page (
E&E team, responsible for ESIA and technical assessment (transmission line and substations), thanks all participants for the cooperation and successful finalization of the Study. We are sure that the results of this Feasibility Study will be a great basis for the successful overall project implementation.