The study covered the Western Balkan region (WB6) and focused on connectivity projects in transport and energy sector. The study was developed by the IPF3 Consortium, lead by Mott MacDonald and the beneficiary was European Commission, DG NEAR (Directorate-General for Neighborhood and Enlargement Negotiations). For the main information about the study, please, read the initial related news.
The preparation of the study preceded the Western Balkans Paris Summit, held on 4th July 2016, where connectivity and youth in the Western Balkans region were placed in focus of the activities. The study was very well accepted by DG NEAR and might become a basis for further development of the connectivity agenda, supported by the European Commission.
ELEM & ELGO experts, working together with consulting companies within IPF consortia, will continue to participate in the studies of regional importance and thus try to contribute to the energy infrastructure development in our region.