Srp / Eng 

Commencement of Phase 2b of the Feasibility Study: 400kV Interconnection SRB – MNE – BiH

E&E signed a contract with COWI A/S Denmark for the Phase 2b of the Feasibility Study of 400kV Interconnection Serbia – Montenegro – BiH, in part Technical Design and Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) Study.
In the previous period, from March 2013 to June 2014, as part of the project WB5-REG-E-02, within Western Balkans Investment Framework, Infrastructure Project Facility, Technical Assistance 1 (IPF1), the Consultant successfully completed Phase 1 and 2a of the Feasibility Study. In this period, optimal interconnection scenario was chosen and aapproved and the draft design documents of 400kV lines and terminal substations, and ESIA / EIA studies were finalized.
In the meantime, the IPF1 framework expired and the completion of the subject project, as planned, was transferred to the IPF4.
The Feasibility Study with be completed by March 2015.