Srp / Eng 

North CSE Corridor – New strategic project in Serbia supported by WBIF

In July 2020, a development of new strategic project for the Serbian transmission system commenced by initiation of the Pre-Feasibility Study. The beneficiary of the study is the Serbian Transmission System Operator Elektromreža Srbije JSC (EMS) and the project is implemented by IPF7 Consortium lead by Hill International. The grant is provided by the Western Balkans Investment Framework (WBIF). The IFI is German Development Bank (KfW). Our E&E team is responsible for the project management and technical (overhead lines and substation) component.

The subject assignment is focused on the assessment of the following planned transmission infrastructure developments, being a part of the North CSE Corridor Project:

  1. Substation 400/110 kV Belgrade West,
  2. 400 kV OHL S/S Belgrade West – WPP Čibuk 1 and
  3. Upgrade of existing 400 kV OHL Serbia (HPP Djerdap 1) – Romania (Portile de Fier) to double-circuit OHL.

These components are clustered together in the North CSE Corridor Project, considering that they represent significant bottlenecks or missing links on the major 400kV corridor from eastern Romania to the Belgrade region in Serbia.

Among other potential benefits of the project, its implementation should significantly reduce current congestions in the regions of Belgrade and South Banat and enable future connections of RES (renewable energy sources), especially wind farms in the region of South Banat.

It is planned that the Pre-Feasibility Study, together with the Conceptual Design of overhead lines and substation and Preliminary ESIA Study would be completed by May 2021.

We are pleased to be a part of such an important project and assist in its successful development.